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Press releases and activities organized by CEC Spain to promote consumer awareness.

ECC-Portugal pusblishes four guides on consumer rights on the occasion of World Youth Day

The four guidebooks in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish will be distributed to the millions of young people who will visit Portugal during World Youth Day.

Spanish government warns influencers that fines for posting surreptitious advertising can exceed €100,000

77% of the publications of the online channels analysed do not comply with the obligation to identify advertisements.

Consumers will have standardized forms to complain to the Spanish Data Protection Agency

They shall be mandatory in order to claim the rights of the interested parties and must be submitted to the Agency.

Users have the right not to receive commercial telephone calls when they have not requested them

The new Telecommunications regulations put an end to telephone spam from companies

Recommendations from ECCC Spain to buy on sales and defend consumer rights

Prepare a list of the products you want to buy and set a budget, among the recommendations to buy responsibly.

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