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Press releases and activities organized by CEC Spain to promote consumer awareness.

CEC-España conmemora el Día de Europa recordando cómo la UE protege a los consumidores

La red de Centro Europeos del Consumidor (ECCNET) elabora un vídeo con algunos de los derechos más destacados de los consumidores.

Spain regulates children's toy advertising to make it more egalitarian, truthful and constructive

The Self-Regulation Code affects advertising campaigns and messages aimed at children under 15 years of age, with special attention to the range from 0 to 7.

New edition of the ECC-Spain Newsletter

ECC-Spain publishes the 24th Newsletter with the most outstanding news on Consumption in the EU.

Roaming sin sobrecargos hasta 2032, Europa aprueba prorrogar la “itinerancia móvil como en casa”

El Parlamento Europeo y el Consejo de la Unión Europea han aprobado prorrogar el roaming para que los usuarios puedan seguir llamando, enviando mensajes de texto y navegando por internet sin sobrecostes.

FlytoCanarias ceases operations and informs customers how to claim their rights

The travel portal, owned by Global Travel Management, has suspended operations as a result of high fuel prices and the war in Ukraine.

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